Environmental, ecosystem and societal change in the Arctic: Using information and communications technology (ICT) for cross-domain mediation

Peter L. Pulsifer (1), Heidi McCann (1), Chris McNeave (1), Elizabeth Sheffield (1), Shari Gearheard (1), Colleen Strawhacker (1), Henry Huntington (2)

1   Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic, National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA

2   Huntington  Consulting, Eagle River Alaska,  USA

The  Arctic region is experiencing rapid environmental change that is being driven by a  number of forces including  climate change and related increases in human activities, particularly in  the   resource extraction  sector.  Significant  and rapid changes in weather patterns  and  food webs are giving rise to economic, social, and  cultural changes most notably in the area of subsistence   harvesting and food security. The magnitude and rate of change is increasing the importance of sharing observations and knowledge within and  between  communities and the broader world. Even in the North, where access can be a challenge, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is an important component of the data and knowledge sharing  process. Mobile tools are   being used in Community Based Monitoring programs and day-­‐to-­‐day activities to record and  disseminate observations. Social media and other online tools are providing a very effective platform for discussing and  analyzing observations and  sharing  knowledge. Advanced  web-­‐based  mapping systems bring together spatio-­‐temporal data and other types of representation    (e.g. multimedia) to provide a holistic account of a changing world, including species range shifts and changes in populations. In this presentation we share experiences gained through almost    a decade of activity under the Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA) project. The use of ICT to mediate diverse data and knowledge in support of social,    economic and cultural adaptation to change is highlighted.