Caitlyn Kasper

Legal counsel, Aboriginal Legal Services, Toronto

Caitlyn E. Kasper is an Anishinaabek woman from the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation. She holds an Honours Specialist in Political Science from the University of Toronto and a Juris Doctor from Osgoode Hall. She is currently a candidate for a Master of Laws at Osgoode Hall, with a specialization in Constitutional Law.
Ms Kasper began her practice in northern Ontario, practicing privately in Kenora with David M. Gibson & Associates specializing in criminal, family, child protection and mental health law for Indigenous people and communities that included northern remote, fly-in First Nations reserves.
In 2014, she joined Aboriginal Legal Services as legal counsel in Toronto, Ontario. Ms Kasper’s legal expertise is in appellate court law reform and test case litigation in criminal, child welfare and civil rights. Her work for Indigenous people centres on police violence, investigation of sudden death, inquest, and victim advocacy.
Ms Kasper has represented clients at every level of court within the country, including the Supreme Court of Canada, always advocating for recognition of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit perspective and representation on issues that most impact Indigenous people in Canadian law.